Volunteer Docents Needed at ALMA


WATERTOWN, Mass. — Over the past 39 years the Armenian Library and Museum of America (ALMA) has made a reputation for itself as a destination for student groups, families and tourists to discover the rich history and culture of the Armenian people. ALMA’s increasing popularity has sparked a recent rise in visitors and groups seeking guided tours. Volunteer museum docents are greatly needed to augment ALMA’s four-person staff and help handle gate sales during the museum’s regular hours of operation and give scheduled guided tours.

Museum docents are the face of ALMA, the largest Armenian museum in the diaspora and the largest ethnic museum in Massachusetts. They are responsible for interacting with the public, giving guided tours of the museum’s exhibits and assisting the staff with other duties. All docents must be able to attend a training session and should be able to commit to a minimum of four hours per week.

Interested persons should contact ALMA Public Relations Coordinator Christie Hardiman by emailing christie@almainc.org.

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