Jerusalem Church to Have Coadjuter Patriarch


By Arthur Hagopian

JERUSALEM — For the first time within living memory, the Armenian church in Jerusalem is to have a coadjutor patriarch whose primary mission will be to assist the incumbent guardian of the keys of St. James, Archbishop Torkom Manoogian, in the administration of the affairs of the Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem.

The measure, proposed by Manoogian himself, was put forward at one of the sessions of a four-day marathon conclave held in Jerusalem last week and attended by members of the priestly Brotherhood of St. James.

Bowing to the wish of the ailing patriarch, who is in his 90s, the 28 participants of the 19th general assembly of the Brotherhood, who have all been ordained in Jerusalem (and of whom many are serving the church overseas), adopted a resolution to consider the issue of holding elections at an opportune time.

The need for a coadjutor has become increasingly crucial recently in view of Manoogian’s tenuous health which is creating difficulties for him and preventing him from attending to some of the myriad tasks his office requires, and at the same time giving cause for concern to those around him.

Sources close to the Patriarchate said the conclave, presided over by Manoogian and co-chaired by Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, head of the Diocese of the Armenian Church of America (Eastern), discussed the “issues concerning the patriarchate and its far-flung establishments in the Holy Land, particularly the churches and convents in Ramleh, Jaffa and  Bethlehem, and reaffirmed the need to maintain and preserve these holy places.”
The meeting also approved the budget for the following year. The patriarchate oversees an extensive array of institutions besides the Armenian holy places. These include the Gulbenkian library, the St. Tarkmanchatz parish high school, the theological seminary and the museum, and relies heavily on donations to meet its payroll. Its sole income is from the rent of properties it owns in West Jerusalem.

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The official communique issued by the Armenian Patriarchate following the conclusion of the conclave did not divulge any details, but there have been persistent reports of encroachments upon its properties, particularly the St. Nicholas monastery in Jaffa.

It said the patriarchate attorney had presented “explanations about various real estate related issues connected with St. Gregory the Illuminator Church in New [sic] Jerusalem and clarified all the concerns that the members of the Brotherhood had.”

The status of this church “remains unchanged under the jurisdiction of the Armenian Patriarchate,” it added.
Among the most important projects discussed during the conclave was a  proposal to construct a hostel on land the Patriarchate owns on the Mount of Olives, site of the Ascension of Jesus.

The meeting comes at a critical point in the illustrious history of the Armenian Church in Jerusalem, whose origins hark back to the fourth or fifth century, shortly after Armenia became the first nation in history to accept Christianity as its state religion.

Ever since, the patriarchate has acted as the focal point of the vibrant Armenian presence in the Holy Land, a fount of hope and faith for the thousands of Armenian pilgrims who traveled to Jerusalem to walk in the footsteps of Christ over the centuries.

Since his return to Jerusalem some 20 years ago, and his election as patriarch, Manoogian has tried hard to reinforce the Armenian entity in the Holy Land. Driven by his overriding zeal for reform, Manoogian has set about refurbishing the dilapidated residences of the priests, renovating churches, and upgrading the educational standards of the theological seminary.

He has succeeded in his efforts at reform and reconstruction to a considerable extent, bringing a measure of much-needed stability to the Armenian compound, insisting on accountability and transparency, and imbuing the Armenian church with his vision of a revived Jerusalem.

Although he has an able cadre of experienced men to help administer the affairs of the Patriarchate, he confided that there were still so many things he wanted to do, and so few resources, particularly in manpower, available to help him carry these out.

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