Armenian Assembly Salutes Hovannisian For Contributions To Scholarship


LOS ANGELES — The Armenian Assembly joined Los Angeles City Council President Eric Garcetti and Los Angeles City Councilmember Paul Krekorian as they honored Dr. Richard G. Hovannisian on the occasion of the 96th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide. Aline Maksoudian of the Assembly’s Western Region office was invited to deliver remarks on the occasion.

Speaking on behalf of the Assembly, Maksoudian noted that: “Dr. Hovannisian was a founding member and director of the Armenian Assembly. His daughter, Ani, and his son, Raffi, also served as directors of the Assembly. In addition, when the Assembly formed the Armenian National Institute, Dr. Hovannisian served as chairman of its Academic Council.”

Hovannisian is the Armenian Educational Foundation Chair in Modern Armenian History and a professor of Armenian and Near Eastern History at the University of California, Los Angeles, Hovannisian is the dean of Armenian studies in the United States and is recognized nationally and internationally as one of the leading specialists in the field of Armenian history.

Maksoudian also hailed Hovannisian’s many accomplishments, including more than 20 volumes covering the history of the Armenian Republic, the Armenian Genocide and the historic Armenian communities around the world.

In concluding her remarks, Maksoudian stated that “the Armenian Genocide is no longer the forgotten genocide of the 20th century and that is in no small part due to Prof. Richard Hovannisian.”

Armenian Assembly Board of Trustees Vice Chair and Counselor Aram Kaloosdian stated: “This honor is well deserved and on behalf of the entire Armenian Assembly family I extend our heartfelt congratulations to Dr. Hovannisian, a truly remarkable individual who has enriched us all with his pioneering work.”

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Maksoudian attended the Los Angeles City Council session, wherein the council unanimously approved a resolution affirming the historical fact of the Armenian Genocide, and calling upon the Republic of Turkey “to end its decades-long campaign of Genocide denial.”

“The history of the 20th century has shown the consequences of the world’s failure to learn the lessons of genocide,” Krekorian said. “Too often, we have seen that the world will continue to suffer genocide until we emphatically reject hate in all of its forms and hold accountable the perpetrators of all crimes against humanity. Today, Los Angeles recognized the 96th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide and I was proud to stand with my colleagues on the City Council to honor the legacy of UCLA’s Prof. Richard G. Hovannisian. Though he is a world-renowned scholar, Dr. Hovannisian’s contributions are not just academic in nature. The insights he offers allow us to better understand our collective history and remind us all of the need to combat genocide and other human rights violations whenever and wherever they occur.”

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