London Tekeyan Trust Celebrates 75th Birthday of Noted Armenian Musician, Musicologist


LONDON — The Armenian community of London enjoyed a memorable evening of Armenian culture and music at Hay Doon. The evening was organized by the London Tekeyan Trust to celebrate the 75th birthday of Prof. Davit Ghazaryan, Chairman of Musical Society of Armenia. Present at the function were representatives of the Armenian Church in the UK, representatives of the Armenian Embassy in London, community leaders, Komitas Choir members and other guests.
In his welcoming speech Vartan Ouzounian, honorary secretary of the London Tekeyan Trust, extended his deepest congratulations to Prof. Ghazaryan on his seventy-fifth anniversary, wished him healthy and successful future ahead and then he detailed the activity and achievements of David Ghazaryan.
For tremendous contribution to Armenian music, Ghazaryan was granted: Republic of Armenia Merited Figure of Culture in 1985, Movses Khorenatsi medal in 2007, Gold Medal of the RA Ministry of Culture in 2008, Gold Medal of the RA Ministry of Education and Science in 2009, Gold Medal by Yerevan Mayor in 2012, Grigor Narekatsi medal by the RA Ministry of Culture in 2014, Komitas medal by the RA Ministry of Diaspora in 2014.
In 1970, Ghazaryan graduated from the Komitas State Conservatory as a conductor. In 1992 he was granted the title of professor, and since 1996 he has been chairman of Musical Society of Armenia. 45 of his former students of the conservatory now work as conductors in Armenia as well as abroad. Ghazaryan has authored vast literature on music theory and collections of choral music.
For 10 years Ghazaryan was a member of the RA president award committee, and since 2013 he has been chairing it. He is also a committee member of a number of musical establishments in Armenia, such as Yerevan State Conservatory after Komitas, National Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre after A. Spendiaryan, Komitas Vartabed Museum-Institute.
Afterwards, Ghazaryan expressed his deepest gratitude to the London Tekeyan Trust for having organized such a memorable evening and wished every success in its future endeavors. He also wished much luck and success to its “Komitas” Choir, in particular, to conductor Sipan Hakobian, who used to be his graduate. At the end of his speech Prof. Ghazaryan granted “Komitas” medal, the highest award of the Musical Society of Armenia, to Vartan Ouzounian for his appreciable efforts and many years of service to Armenian people, and especially for initiating the Komitas Choir.
After thanking him for his generosity and honorable gift, Ouzounian, on behalf of Tekeyan Trust, handed him an engraved silver plated dish.
A closing speech followed by Rev. Aren Shaheenian.
The celebration continued with a reception.

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