Music for Food Fights Hunger One Concert at a Time


BOSTON — Music for Food is a musician-led initiative to fight hunger in local communities. At concerts we transform music into food, nourishing ears and bodies.

Now in its seventh season, Music for Food was founded by Grammy award winning violist Kim Kashkashian in 2010.

Based in Boston, it is a federally-recognized 501(c) 3 non-profit with chapters in 10 US cities. Musicians volunteer their time and talent and 100 percent of all donations go to benefit local pantries and shelters. More than 130 artists are collaborating and the organization has provided more than 335,000 meals to those in need, with concerts in Boston, California, Illinois, New York, New Jersey, D. C., Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.

The fellowship program teaches student musicians how to address social problems in their communities through music. It also provides a replicable model for musicians nationwide who wish to take action in their own communities in the fight against hunger.

The Boston Core Concert Series 2016 – 2017, titled “From Bach to Berio” include the following dates:

  • On October 23, New England Conservatory, Brown Hall at 7:30 p.m. Works performed will be Bach, Organ Sonatas BWV 529 in G Major & 530 in C Major, arranged for string trio by Kim Kashkashian (Ian Swensen, violin; Kim Kashkashian, viola; Jonah Ellsworth, cello) Brahms, Two Songs for soprano, viola & piano, Op. 91 (Lucy Shelton, mezzo-soprano; Michael Bukhman, piano; Kim Kashkashian, viola)
 Berio, Sequenza iii (Lucy Shelton, mezzo-soprano) Mozart, Serenade no. 12 in c for wind octet, K. 388 (384a) (Tom Novak, bassoon; Rob Sheena, oboe; Jason Snider, horn; Michael Wayne, clarinet; & friends). Suggested donation $25, $10 students. All proceeds benefit The Women’s Lunch Place.
  • November 20, Harvard University, Paine Hall,
 Haydn, String Quartet , Op. 71, no. 2 Berg, String Quartet, Op. 3
 Dvořák, Viola Quintet in E-fat, Op. 97 (Parker Quartet with Kim Kashkashian, viola)
Free, but tickets required. Suggested Donation: $25, $10 students, with all proceeds benefitting the Margaret Fuller Community House.
  • December 18, New England Conservatory, Brown Hall, 7:30pm Chopin, Piano Trio in g, Op. 8 (Paul Katz, cello; Catherine Cho, violin; Pei-Shan Lee, piano) Berio, Sequenza iv (Stephen Drury, piano)
Schubert, Piano Trio No. 2 in E-fat, D. 929 (Paul Katz, cello; Catherine Cho, violin; Pei-Shan Lee, piano) Suggested Donation: $25, $10 students. All proceeds benefit The Women’s Lunch Place.

Concerts are also planned for January through April 2017.

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Kashkashian is artistic director, while Cashman Kerr Prince is the general manager.

For more information on the group, visit

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